Crocus 24


Crocus 24

76 x 140 cm | Pigments on handmade Mitsumata Paper
While this piece is not for sale I will brush you a version of it if you would like.

The pure joy of painting Plein Air in Kew Gardens is apparent in this banner. The mild weather and sunshine encouraged the crocuses to open. I sat still painting for 4 hours after which I felt truly peaceful and happy.

The technique is immediate and does not allow for corrections so it is an exercise in acceptance and staying in the moment. Once I suspend judgment of my marks there is space for joy. I hope that this simple joy of painting and looking is transmitted to you.

The Mitsumata paper, stretched and fixed to a simple wooden batten with bookbinder's paste, ensures effortless hanging. If you prefer, the batten can be easily removed prior to purchase, accommodating alternative hanging methods. Delivered in a roll, these banners are easily stored or shipped.
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